2 Down,3 More To Go!

imageHalloween- check

Thanksgiving- check

Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Years then I will have survived the gluttony of the Holiday season! I had some cheats on turkey weekend, pie and some pizza if you can believe it. I was happy to notice that the cheats didn’t push me into a carb bender but I am still wary and plan to stay sugar, wheat free until the next day of temptations, Christmas weekend.  I did break down and weigh my self on my sisters scale which was weigh ( ha, ha) nicer than my mothers scale.  I decided to not disagree and take the number it balanced on for me.  I lost 12 lbs!  This is a first, usually I gain 12 over the Holidays!

Poke and Smoke

Half of you will know what I mean by “poke and smoke” and the other half probably will draw a much more fun conclusion.  Lately, my digestion has been a bit funky and being a licensed acupuncturist ( I wouldn’t do this otherwise) I decided it was time to burn some moxa ( the Chinese herb cigar looking thing ) to warm my needles that I had in my belly to regulate my digestion. My new obsession with bananas to quench my sweet tooth has left me loosey goosey you might say.  If I knew only acupuncturist were reading this blog post, I would go into great detail because Acu’s take the time to have long lengthy convos about a BM.  Bananas are cold by nature and too many can cause a deficiency in your digestion especially if your body is cold by weather and or energetically.  Warming up my abdomen with Moxa and needling helps me strengthen my digestion.  I guess you could say that I am “putting my poop in a group”.  A good sweet treat for me that is warming would be to heat up some frozen cherries, with some ginger.  Time to transition and prepare for ever winter!image

I Feel………

imageI feel…………..

That my fancy pants are loose.

That my free weights are too light I need heavier weights.

That I have a little somethin’, some thin’ going on with my digestion that I need to figure out ( to be continued).

No aches and pains.

Pretty content.

Well rested.

That my walking / jogging time has diminished since the weather has taken a turn.

That my free weights during commercial breaks, lunges and dancing around will have to be enough for now.

That the sip of my sons’ DQ treat tasted like a packet of Splenda and grossed me out.

That I don’t like the taste of refined sugar and well, let’s be honest, I would probably love the taste of a soft,warm, flakey croissant so I stay away!





















No More Weighting

I made the mistake of weighing myself the other day and of course, I was disappointed with the number I ended up with.   The only resolve that I can come to is that it is not about my weight or inches but about my health and how I feel.  When I eat sugar,wheat and not exercise most days, I feel like crap!  When I eat right and I am on the move, I feel spectacular. Now I just feel bad when I measure or weigh myself.  No more dimension days….No more “weighting” for perfect results…..Just livin’ in the now!  For now……….only accepting who I am and how I feel.

Walk It Off!

image  What a beautiful day to help resolve a stressful week!  I was tempted by a hot, doughy, pepperoni pizza last night, trying to seduce me into mindless comfort. But I resisted and had a fling with a vodka tonic and steak, veggie rice bowl!  It’s important for me to stay true to what I need to do for my health more than ever during stressful times, instead of “falling off the wheat/sugar wagon” and adding a weak body to my stress level.  So I walked it off!!  AND it’s Dimension Day! Woot!

Bust:  42 inches

Waist: 40.5 inches

Hips: 43.5 inches

Moon Lighting and Multi Tasking

image  Today I multi tasked my way out of a jog that I had planned for the  final beautiful day of the season.  I had big plans of me jaunting through the neighborhood and passing all milestones that I had given myself.  Jogging all the way up the hill not just down….making it to the furthest point that I have ever walk/jogged to.  Coming home from my work out feeling fully accomplished, exhausted while exhilarated by the warm and blue skies.  Not quite….not even close……I spent the day doing laundry, making phone calls, dealing with technical difficulties, yelling at the kids to do their homework and so much more….Needless to say the fabulous day flew by! I was bummed and felt a bit defeated, then realized that the fabulous day may be over but the fabulous night is just starting so I took myself on a moonlight jog.  It was gorgeous out! Crisp air, gentle breeze and twinkling lights kept me entertained and invigorated.  Okay, I must admit, I walked mostly and jogged down hills instead of up hills but I did SOMETHING which is way better then nothing.

Dimension Deal

image   Measurements are lowering in a smaller amount, I am not discouraged about this.  Now that my digestive system is working more efficiently,  I am not lugging around that water weight which is what I mostly lost in the first few weeks. You could also say that I am not full of “hot air” any more…This is a good sign, now my body can spend it’s energy building muscle and losing fat.  It’s a beautiful day! I don’t know when the impending doom of winter is coming so I am going to get out there and do some outside jogs!

My weekly measurements:

Waist: 40.75 inches

Hips: 43.5 inches

Bust: 42.5 inches

P.S.  My goal is to make it through the whole holiday season with no wheat or sugar in my diet. It already has been four weeks!

Training and Complaining

imageToday I started my couch to 5K training.  Feeling good about it and ready to train daily until January 25th.  What I am not feeling so good about is the delicious pumpkin pie bars that I saw at the coffee shop!  I really haven’t been craving sugar lately until I saw those delectable delights.  So tomorrow I am going to make the healthy version of those bars sans wheat.  Who knows if they will be comparable but I bet they will be enjoyed by me none the less!  Today I had my blood work done to test my TSH levels, T4 and T3 for my thyroid.  Late summer my meds were increased and now that I have been cutting back on gluten, exercising and staying on top of my supplements, I am hoping my med dosage will be less.  I will find out soon!

Ma’m With a Plan

imageSo, I have been trying to find away to stay active this winter.  Since I usually slow down during the winter months and think of many excuses of why I can’t get my butt off the couch, it’s important that I come up with a goal and a plan.  I decided that my goal is to do the 5k Flurry Scurry in Excelsior on Jan. 25th.  5k’s are popular these days and it seems to be a regular event for a lot of people but I have never done one! Of course it will be FREEZING out then and I am currently not a runner but who knows what I will be by then!  So the next couple months I will hit the treadmill and work on my jogging skills.  We will see where I am at by then, if I’m not a jogger then I will I definitely be a Jalker.

Scary Spirits

image Halloween turned out to be easy peasy…..Walked the hood with the kids and other parents, burned some calories by scaring children, partook in an amazing trick or treating after party at a friend and neighbors house with the family.  Delicious food for dinner….great chili to keep me warm. I realized the candy did not tempt me! Not even the BIG candy bars that my kids were so excited about. The infamous nut roll…..Walking the streets with an incognito bourban and cider spirit definitely kept me moving and toasty and may have made the night just a bit more loosey goosey.  All and all a success! The candy will  be tucked away into their hiding place and life as we know it shall resume.