Moon Lighting and Multi Tasking

image  Today I multi tasked my way out of a jog that I had planned for the  final beautiful day of the season.  I had big plans of me jaunting through the neighborhood and passing all milestones that I had given myself.  Jogging all the way up the hill not just down….making it to the furthest point that I have ever walk/jogged to.  Coming home from my work out feeling fully accomplished, exhausted while exhilarated by the warm and blue skies.  Not quite….not even close……I spent the day doing laundry, making phone calls, dealing with technical difficulties, yelling at the kids to do their homework and so much more….Needless to say the fabulous day flew by! I was bummed and felt a bit defeated, then realized that the fabulous day may be over but the fabulous night is just starting so I took myself on a moonlight jog.  It was gorgeous out! Crisp air, gentle breeze and twinkling lights kept me entertained and invigorated.  Okay, I must admit, I walked mostly and jogged down hills instead of up hills but I did SOMETHING which is way better then nothing.

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